Whoa, Hookah Smoking Is Worse for Your Body Than We Thought

Whoa, Hookah Smoking Is Worse for Your Body Than We Thought

Thanks to endless PSAs (and those posters in health class), we know cigarettes are addictive and full of cancer-causing toxins. Using hookahs, however, tends to get a pass in these conversations. But those Instagrammable smoke rings are chock-full of bad stuff.

New research from the University of Pittsburgh found that a typical one-hour smoking session involves more than double the nicotine, 10 times the carbon monoxide, and 25 times the tar as smoking a single cigarette. It’s not a perfect comparison—you can definitely smoke more than one cigarette in a hour. But the findings are still alarming, especially with news that for the first time ever, hookah smoking is more popular than cigarettes among teens.


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